domingo, abril 04, 2010

Yesterday I dreamed on You

Some days ago, when I was ill, I called you, even if I know that you're so so far away, overseas, mountains and Great Walks. I called you because I needed you beside to me.
I got better even if you didn't come. Althought some days after, it was yesterday, I dreamed on you. I felt you, I felt your arms, I felt your kisses... then dreaming you, you desapeared, I waited for you but you didn't come back. Finally I woke up, I had no voice, I still haven't voice, during all this day I just could whisper.
Maybe I was calling you while I was sleeping,
since you're not on my dream I have not my voice any more.
I miss you. Time goes, nothing really has changed.
Mi inglés no es bueno, pero lo he intentao. Sigo sin voz, ni idea tengo de lo que he hecho con ella, ni idea tengo de lo que haré sin ella.

7 comentarios:

Mirta Peces dijo...

A mí me parece muy romántico...estás como La Sirenita!! jajaja

Anónimo dijo...

jajaja sí pero la sirenita acaba mal!
Yo misma.

Mirta Peces dijo...

q va a acabar mal?? acaba con el Príncipe!!


la de verdad no
se convierte en espuma de mar
o, no
dios le da alma y va al cielo
depende de la version

Unknown dijo...

So Pretty.


sí Asmodeo, falta your special pronunciation ha ha
como cuando dices
"you will come to the plate little bean" ha haha

Unknown dijo...

From lost to the river, talking in silver.