domingo, abril 11, 2010

Los llantos desgarrados salen del alma,
los arranca una simple canción,
nos sorprenden con la tonada de los suspiros
y el vals de las lágrimas.

sábado, abril 10, 2010

¿Qué es lo degradante?

Hace tiempo tuve una amiga que vigilaba siempre por que, según sus palabras literales "no me arrastrara", me decía que perdía mi orgullo con facilidad, que no tenía bastante, que tenía que sacar, buscar o conseguir más.
Yo muchas veces no me daba cuenta de "lo arrastrada" de una acción hasta que alguien me lo decía. De no haberlo consultado antes ¿Me habría estado arrastrado? ¿Me habría estado degradando?
Bueno, la pregunta en definitiva es: ¿puedes perder el orgullo sin sentir tu orgullo herido?
¿puedes degradarte sin saber que te acercas a la degradación?
¿será que no tengo orgullo o será que tengo demasiado como para considerar que lo pierdo por hacer o decir determinadas cosas con las que mucha gente piensa que lo pone en peligro?

¿Quién pone los límites, la persona o la sociedad? ¿Se trata de inconsciencia? ¿Se trata de amoralidad?

A lo que la gente teme es al juicio

miércoles, abril 07, 2010

Too much time

First of all, I must to explain why I'm trying to write in English, well, my aunt use to read this blog lol. So, let's go.
I'm in Asturias since too much time, normally I should come back to Madrid twoo or three days ago, I'll do it finally tomorrow.
I got a new passport and in a week I'll be in Africa, which sounds great!
My plans to have a lover in the capital of the kingdom have failed, well doesn't matters... it's just that I never think before that it could be so difficult to find someone just to that, I can understand how difficult can be to find someone and to fall in love each other, it's so difficult, so rare, that we could think about something magic, but well this is not the case, the case is that all in this world is so fucking complicate!
Whatever, that makes this world interesting. Nothing is as we have never thought.
And while I try to have a "modern" way of life in a big city, I try to don't thing about things that I can imagine but I can't really know. That's only usefull to get me nervous, to get me mad, to stole the few clear mind that I still have.
Luckly in this time, paper photos are dead. Now is easier to forget someone, I can't toucht it, I can't carry it, I can't embrace it, I can't get wet it with my tears. Until when? Why? I get tired, but maybe not enought.
And well, good travel tomorrow for me.

domingo, abril 04, 2010

Yesterday I dreamed on You

Some days ago, when I was ill, I called you, even if I know that you're so so far away, overseas, mountains and Great Walks. I called you because I needed you beside to me.
I got better even if you didn't come. Althought some days after, it was yesterday, I dreamed on you. I felt you, I felt your arms, I felt your kisses... then dreaming you, you desapeared, I waited for you but you didn't come back. Finally I woke up, I had no voice, I still haven't voice, during all this day I just could whisper.
Maybe I was calling you while I was sleeping,
since you're not on my dream I have not my voice any more.
I miss you. Time goes, nothing really has changed.
Mi inglés no es bueno, pero lo he intentao. Sigo sin voz, ni idea tengo de lo que he hecho con ella, ni idea tengo de lo que haré sin ella.